
Jacob Hopkins

Owner, President, & CEO

Bachelor of Science in Outdoor Recreation
25 years of hiking, running and wilderness exploration

Race Finishes:
2018 Bell Ringer 50k
2019 Bell Ringer 50k
2020 Red, White, and Raptor 5k
2020 Bell Ringer 50k
2021 Viola Valley Half Marathon


Christopher Heberly

Owner, COO, & Secretary

Graduate of Outward Bound (NH/ME Appalachian Trail)

30 years of hiking, running and wilderness exploration

Race Finishes:
2019 Bell Ringer 50k
2020 Ratification Race Half Marathon
2020 Firecracker 5k
2020 East Nashville Tomatofest 5k
2020 Space Station Explorers Half Marathon
2020 Bell Ringer 50k

  1. Bell Ringer Races are hosted by, and benefit, Montgomery Bell State Park in Burns, TN.